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Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari


主演:Arkadiusz Jakubik 雅酷朴·盖尔秀 




The expressionist silent film "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" from 1920 is a complex, confusing and frightening masterpiece. The digital production "Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" from 2019 is an homage to the immersive aspects of this film using new technology.The aim is to take the user into a dreamlike world, in which set pieces from “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” can be experienced. The dream here is the logical complement to sleep, which is an important element in the film. The virtual dream experience represents aspects of freedom as well as dependence for the user at the same time. Freedom in the angle of vision, in reception and in dealing with dream images. And lack of freedom in the fact that the presented scenario itself cannot be influenced. Part of this dream is dependence: Cesare is a creature dominated by Dr. Caligari.The 1920 film knew in a fascinating way how to deal with the limitations of silent filmmaking and the camera technique of the time. On behalf of the Goethe-Institut Warschau and in association with ZDF/ARTE, UFA X accepted the challenge of exploring the new possibilities of the still young technology of volumetric video technology and making the silent film classic a virtual experience. Step inside and have a look for yourself! A dreamlike experience awaits you.“Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” is based on the VR Experience “Cesare’s Dream VR” which is an UFA X / UFA production for the Goethe-Institut Warschau in association with ZDF/ARTE.

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Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari西瓜免费播放


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Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari完整免费


Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1080P

Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1080P


《Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari》电影高清完整版手机在线观看

《Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari》电影高清完整版手机在线观看

《天才》——“You’re my brilliant friend”曾侧影伴风的人呐却转眼流落孤零究竟是谁折断自由的羽毛落入这粗犷乱巷不安被搅拌伪装成张牙舞爪曾明朗清澈的人呐却蓦然涌进喧哗究竟是谁掩饰潜藏的忧伤远离这窗明几净闹意被叠加腌渍成独自惬意曾比赛诵读的挚友呐却瞬间永隔心墙究竟是谁直面无望的现实走出这无数泥淖嫉妒被驱逐转变成蓝色仙女

德国最新电影《Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari》由 塞巴斯蒂安·马图卡特  执导。天猫影院为广大网友收集了2022年由 Arkadiusz Jakubik 雅酷朴·盖尔秀  等领衔主演的Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari在线观看,天猫影院还支持手机看免费高清版Cesare’s Dream – In the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari,非常方便,希望大家喜欢。

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