


星座:未知 未知





陈皮梅,女,原名 麦静芝,著名粤剧女文武生,有“女薛觉先”之称,后得薛觉先收为门徒。她曾与黄曼梨、黎灼灼、李倩苹、徐意、甘露、郑文霞、李月清、马笑英、容玉意、黎雯、高伟兰(卢敦夫人)等结义金兰组成“十二金钗”。   与陈皮梅出道的当年代女班艺人中,著名的还有潘影芬、任剑辉、潘少雄、徐杏林、黄侣侠、张妙兰、白莲子等,之后都如陈皮梅,是出类拔萃的粤剧一代名伶。 参演作品 多情孟丽君 歌唱沙三少 状元红Thesuccessful scholar 终归有日龙穿凤Chances for great success 平步青云(上集) On the road to success, part one 两代恩情 九天玄女 飘萍恨(大结局) 缫丝女Silk factory girl 蛇头苗 狡妇疴鞋The sly woman 糊涂福星Fortunate fool 血洗蝴蝶镖Butterfly dart 三姐下凡The Fairy Third Sister\'s trip to the secular world 一滴侠义血(上集) A drop of chilvarous blood (Part 1) 碧落红尘(上集) 碧落红尘下集 碧落红尘大结局 长相忆Never forgotten 苦尽甘来Success follows sorrow 玉女香车The model and the car 富贵荣华第一家The double wedding by royal command 一家亲 佳儿佳妇The problem baby 改造小姐The modification of a country girl 春风得意凤和鸣The adventure of Yau Lung 秋香怨(大结局) Grudge of maidservant, concluding episode 秋香怨(上集) Grudge of maidservant, part one 癫婆寻仔A mad woman goes hunting for her son 花木兰Lady general Fak Muk-lan 子母桥下集大结局 李仙传 可怜驸马可怜妻 沙三少情杀谭阿仁 金牌计 万里烽烟寻妹喜 黑市姑爷The illegitimate lover 桂枝告状Kwai-chi sues 钟无艳Thestory of Chung Mo-yim 杨八妹取金刀Eight sister Yeung seizes the gold blade 美人如玉剑如虹Beauty as jade and sword point as rainbow 铁扇公主神火破天门How Princess Iron Fan burned down the Heaven Gate 龙翔凤舞庆新春Prince\'s lovers 汉女贞忠传The brave Han daughter 福禄双星 仗义还妻A false marriage, part one 仗义还妻大结局A false marriage, concluding episode 春满帝皇家The royal wedding in the palace 难得有情郎He is a rare and passionate lover 秦汉三盗摄魂铃Theft of the magic bell 女鬼嫁状元下集大结局The scholar\'s ghost-wife, part two 阵阵美人威Refoundation of Kingdom Qi 恩怨情天Between hate and love 水冰心三戏过其祖How Shui Bing-sum thrice played tricks on Koi Kei-cho 夫证妻凶Witness for the prosecution 天山龙凤剑(下集大结局) 烈女报夫仇A brave girl avenges her husband\'s death 伦文叙与李春花The story of Lun Man-chui and Lee Chun-fa 黄飞鸿义贯彩虹桥Wong Fei-hung on Rainbow Bridge 借新娘Aborrowed bride 狐仙奇缘The strange fox 招狼入舍Leading the wolves into the house 扭计新娘The bride who was almost stolen 歌唱仕林祭塔Madame white snake 王宝钏Thestory of Wong Bo-chuen 三月杜鹃魂 小红娘Thelittle match-maker 洛阳桥Thebridge in Lo-yang 铁嘴鸡水鬼升城隍Iron-beaked hen\'s sudden rise to power 蓝袍惹桂香 断桥产子A child was born under bridge 紫钗记Thelegend of purple hairpin 汉武帝梦会卫夫人 寒江关TheChily River pass 芦花河会母 鸳鸯福禄Love follows fortune 难为了家嫂 蝴蝶夫人Madame Butterfly 琴挑误(上集) 碧玉簪Thejade hairpin 琴挑误下集大结局Kam tiew ng 梨花一枝春带雨 假凤虚鸾The fake marriage 铁嘴鸡Lady with a silver and bitter tongue 兰贞闹严府Yim Shung 飘萍恨(上集) 双飞蝴蝶 黛玉葬花Substituted bride 芬芳香艳喜迎春A perfect marriage 三娘教子How third madam educated her son 七彩难兄难弟 天涯芳草 卖油郎独占花魁The oil vendor and his pretty bride 苦凤还巢 虎将争妻 子母桥 天下第一剑大结局 英雄掌上野荼薇Madame wild rose 人海双雏All minds to give 情贼沙三少Third-master Sha, the heart stealer 珍珠泪Tears of pearl 银合太子乞食告御状Prince on trial 情窦初开Teenage romance 疯妇Themadwoman 二世祖盲公问米The spendthrift son reduced to be a spirit medium 血泪洗残脂 花灯照玉郎Love under the festival lanterns 陈姑追舟Ms Chan\'s boat chase 四郎探母The fourth son 杨八姐闹金銮Sister Yeung 新马仔胡不归The reunion of a bitter couple 彩凤荣华双拜相 天山龙凤剑(上集) 真假凶手Who\'s the real murderer? 珠楼错 富贵荣华The king\'s sister 喜结未了缘Back together 家Family 香城艳尸The case of a beautiful corpse 风雨泣萍姬Tragic love of Ping-kei 酒楼戏凤 冤枉相思 红梅白雪贺新春 春莺戏凤凰A well-matched couple 春灯羽扇恨 春花长好月长圆 歌唱伦文叙 后窗Backyard adventures 帝女花Princess Cheung Ping 威风十八剑 侯门怨 新梁山伯祝英台 情困武潘安 罪恶锁链(下集大结局) 穷风流 可怜女 侠盗黑海棠 夜祭碧桃花 夜祭金娇Paying nocturnal sacrifice to Kam-kiu 血滴子(下集大结局) 夜夜念奴娇Tonight and every night 血滴子(上集) 伦文叙卖菜 儿女情深 男婚女嫁Come to the marriage age 陈梦吉斗荒唐镜 金镖黄天霸(下集) 金镖黄天霸(上集) 狂风暴雨吊寒梅Mourn for the storm-beaten plum flower 旱天雷 好女两头瞒 荡妇魂归 孝感动家姑 孝子闹天宫 妙贼Thefunny thief 我为卿狂 狂风雨后花 母慈子孝 玉葵宝扇The precious jade fan 疑云疑雨 平阳宫主替子受斩刑Princess Chui-wan 医死阎罗王 一曲魂销 十二寡妇 出嫁从夫Follow the husband 麻雀经 火海胜字旗Knight of the victory marked flag 春情烈火 第八天堂 奇女子 梅知府 同胞兄弟 天剑神笔The powerful sword and the magic pen 最后关头 天下第一剑(上集) 七星伴月 酸甜苦辣 妻多夫贱续集 山东扎脚穆桂英(下集) The story of Muk Kwai-ying, part two 山东扎脚穆桂英(上集) The story of Muk Kwai-ying, part one 小侦探Little detective 老婆皇帝 斗气姑爷 重见天日 妻多夫贱 桃色血案 孤寒财主 恶家姑 可怜秋后扇 客途秋恨 沙三少 三司会审杀姑案 鹏程万里The Roc\'s long flight 艳福难消 新金叶菊 一对好冤家Lover\'s quarrels 时价夫妻 周身胆闹广州 两个歌王Top singers two 生红娘三戏张君瑞How the red maid thrice mocked Cheung Kwun-shui 点错鸳鸯谱 银海春光 罪恶锁链(上集) 妻多夫贱Too many wives ruin the husband 梁山伯再会祝英台 大闹粉妆楼 多情天使The sentimental angel 人海万花筒 胡不归(下卷) 桃李争春 胭脂泪 神秘之夜 孟丽君Theancient beauty, Mang Lai-Kwun 七十二行



